Tuesday 1 April 2008

Under the roof in the early hours: Roof re set

With my body clock out of sync with the rest of the world for various resons i stayed late last night to get the bulk of the re setting done on the roof... (all are sit starts)

Yellow; HF, No Features, Bottom left start V6

Fl Pink; HF, & Feet on feature with FL Pink hold and box volume on side of roof only V7

Mint; HF & Features for feet V4

Yellow/Orange; HF & Feet on feature with yel/or hold only. finishes round left side of 45 board. V8

Yellow/Red Stripes; Dyno HF, No Features V5

Black; HF & all Features V4

Dark Green; HF & all Features V3

Rock; HF & all Features V3

Dark Green and Rock; HF & all features V2

Blue; HF, No Features, starting hold under volume on 45 board V7

Brown; HF, No Features V7

Red/Grey; HF, No Features V6

Fl Green&Big Green Edgez; HF, No Features V6

Pink/Purple Swirls (right side); HF, no feature, brick wall allowed for feet at start V4