Monday 24 November 2008

Getting out to play!

Just as the nights draw in the drive to get out to the hills grows...

Myself and Ash took the brothers Paul and Mark out to the northern corries on Sunday for some winter fun. Mark came out with me a few weeks back for his first experience of winter climbing. Due to the lack of consolidation and nice firm nevey we ended up on Aladdin's Mirror (Grade: I) kicking around in wet snow.

Sunday saw a lot better conditions with turf getting more solid the higher we got and even some ice to use in a belay!

After setting off at around 9am from the car park the walk in was quite easy with only slight winds and reasonably firm conditions underfoot. As it was Paul's first day out this time we ascended The Runnel (Grade: II**) as two pairs. Towards the last pitch the wind picked up and the spindrift hit hard; which made the climbing harder as there was a lack of ice in the chimney to use; forcing us to come up with some interesting bridging and maneuvers.

On top out winds were very high and walking/visibility conditions were dire. Ash made the first ascent of the last pitch followed by Mark on top rope, then myself on lead taking Paul up after me on the rope. Paul; in true Wilderness Man/Yeti Style appeared over the top of the climb; arms in the air, covered in snow and ice with every bit of gear imaginable hanging from his harness, and a loud roar of achievement!

After ten minutes walking around the edge of the corrie towards Corie Ciste the decision was made to drop down to the base of the corrie as at 3.30pm the light was soon to fade.

After some fun falling through powder drifts and tripping over the obligatory boulders we toddles back tot he car park for 5pm.

All in all a good fun day out with great banter!