Saturday 22 October 2011

The end of the October holidays

October Camps
We have finally finished a hectic two weeks of October camps. Tom Stork and Tom Russell have both undertaken lots of climbing sessions with the camp members. Everyone had a great time, with lots of exhausted faces at the end of the day (especially the instructors).

Bouldering Wall
Tom Russell has been continuing his revamp of the bouldering wall. It now boasts:-

-Two new easy routes on the 45 degree board. These are perfect for people either looking for some first time problems on the steeper boarders, or for endurance training. The routes can be easily joined together by downclimbing the problems, as they start from the same spot. Tom Stork can confirm this is very pumpy!

-A crimps circuit on the 45, follow the tape anti-clockwise, keep going for as long as possible!

-More kids boulder problems taped up.

Today is the Glenmore Lodge round of the Scottish Tooling series, and next week is us! We have been hard at work stocking up on lots of bits and pieces to make the event as successful as last years. See in centre for the posters and try cram in some last minute fig fours and pull ups!

Tim Rankin

Once again, as part of out ongoing project of highlighting some of the best photography of climbing in Aberdeen, we introduce a face well known around the wall. Tim Rankin's Flickr site is a perfect resource for those climbing in the area as Tim was and still is a massive part of the development of the North East scene. Check it out!