Tuesday 8 November 2011

Anna Wells: Guest Setter

Many of you at the wall will already know Anna, from her long time served at Transition Extreme.

Anna came up on Saturday to set routes, after so many requests! There is now a new 6a+ and a 6c. Come down and try them out! We have the routes book and want to know what people think of the route setting so feel free to add your own comments!

The bouldering wall has been revamped again following the second round of the winter series, so as well as the competition problems there is a full range of problems and more to come over the following weeks. We have begun trying to even out the grade spread on the bouldering wall, so have a look, try some problems and get back to us with your comments! The infamous volumes problem on the 45 board will stay up for the next week, so get cranking!

Anna during the summer enjoying the gritstone after the BYCS (British Youth Climbing Series)